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He Built A "Better" Mousetrap
"Attorneys at the patent office use me as the prime example of someone who built a truly ębetter mousetrap,'" says inventor Bill Oviatt about his new-style mousetrap that uses a ping pong ball and teeter-totter to catch mice alive.
It consists of a 6-in. length of 1 3/4-in. dia. plastic tubing with removable end caps. It balances on a piece of wire. An "entrance ramp" goes down to the ground when the trap is in the "set" position.
You put the bait in front and the ping pong ball in back. When a mouse climbs into the tube, the trap drops forward and the ball plugs the hole, trapping the mouse.
"Conventional spring-type traps crush the mouse, contaminating your home with body parts and fluid," Oviatt notes. "Also, skin mites and ticks leave the dead mouse looking for a new home. This trap eliminates those problems."
Sells for $9.99 plus $3 S&H ($4 outside U.S.).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tee-ter Pong! Company, P.O. Box 1399, Lander, Wyo. 82520 (ph 307 332-5200; fax 5600).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #4