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Sickle Hold-Down Clips
"It's the most efficient after-market sickle hold-down system on the market because the hold-down clips will outlast all others and will never come out of adjustment once they're set," says Jim Puncochar about his new-style sickle hold-down for mowers, windrowers and combines.
Xavier Crop System's hold-down clips will last at least 3,000 acres under normal conditions and they feature an adjusting bolt that's ahead of the clip pivot point so they'll never go out of adjustment, Puncochar notes.
The arch of the clip is made of self-lubricating cast iron and the 4 1/2-in. wide base is made out of ductile iron for extra long life.
Installation is quick, simply by loosening two guard bolts on the header bar and bolting on the hold-down. Comes in high or low arch to fit virtually any cutterbar. Sells for $8.95 apiece.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Xavier Crop Systems, 1076 Hardy Road, St. Paul, Neb. 68873 (ph toll-free 888 866-4204 or 308 754-4204).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #4